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"Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going." - Rita Mae Brown


Lily (General Ed)

Lily is a cheerful and curious student who always has a smile on her face. She is friendly and enjoys inviting others to join her for lunch or a snack. Lily likes to talk about her family during conversations and often relates the topic to them. She likes to participate in group discussions and is always ready to share her thoughts and ideas.


She is a talented singer who enjoys teaching her classmates new songs. In February, she led her classmates in singing Bob Marley's "Three Little Birds," which she calls "Everything Is Going to be Alright." 


Lily frequently talks about her parents, Lindsay and Adam, her baby sister, and her grandmother, Gaga, who splits her time between Florida and Connecticut. She always includes her Brazilian nanny, Barbara, who teaches her words in Portuguese. Lily has a quick memory and a good ear for sounds. 

TSG Assessment Data

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The green shaded area shows the expectation range for Lily's age in fine motor development. Lily has shown growth in finger and hand movement and in using writing and drawing tools, leveling up from a 4 to a 5 in both objectives. Lily progressed from being below expectations in the Fall to meeting expectations in the Winter for use of fingers and hands. 

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In Fall, Lily achieved level 1 in objective 15c by being able to notice and discriminate units of sound as expected for her age. By Winter, she progressed to level 2. However in the Fall, Lily did not meet the expectations for writing her name in objective 19a, despite being able to identify the letters in her name. She met the expectations in the Winter. 

Fall 2023

At the beginning of the year, Lily would use  fingers and whole arm movements to manipulate or explore objects. She holds her fork and drawing/writing tools with a radial cross palmer grasp. 


Lily will clap randomly to the songs she has learned at school and home to create her own music. 

Next Steps

The goal is for Lily to progress from a radial cross-palmer grasp to a modified tripod grasp. To scaffold this process, we also invite Lily to activities that work out her fingers and senses, such as playdough and scissor use. 


We used clapping and singing activities to support Lily in discriminating units of sound by engaging her musical abilities. Lily sang the song Clap a Friend's Name with Me to show awareness that words have separate syllables. She used this to practice clapping out her name and her peers. 

Winter 2024

Lily has progressed from a radial cross-palm grasp to a modified tripod grasp. You can see her development when she uses tools to draw and write. She practices writing her name in the writing center and during group activities to represent her vote.


Lily now shows awareness that there are separate syllables in words and compound words. She went through the two segmenting sections of compound words and words into syllables with confidence and accuracy.


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